A friend of mine is currently developing a program to manage Java 
project resources (jars and others) called "gc resource repository"


Some of the features are:

* Central resource repository to share resources between multiple 
  * Needed resource are downloaded and stored in a local repository. 
  * Dependencies between resources are solved. 
  * Setup the classpath with all needed resources (jars). 
  * Start java progams with the needed resources. 
  * Ant integration to setup the classpath. 
  * Modular ant build script support 
  * Eclipse classpath builder to setup the classpath in eclipse.

You may want to take a look at it. It is distributed under the Apache
License, and I guess I could convince Rene Pirringer (the main developer
of gc-rr) to contribute it to Apache Harmony if this is desired.

Best Regards,
David Tanzer

On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 11:01 +0000, George Harley wrote:
> Hi Alexey,
> The "usetimestamp" attribute of Ant's "get" task kind of offers this 
> functionality. Setting the attribute value to "true" means that the 
> download only proceeds if the local copy of the resource is missing or 
> stale.
> There is more information on this at 
> http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/get.html
> Best regards,
> George
> Alexey Petrenko wrote:
> >> Well, it would be nice. However I don't like build scripts that depend on
> >> network.
> >>     
> > Yes, there should be the possibility to download needed jars once and
> > forget about network.
> >
> > --
>  Alexey A. Petrenko
> > Intel Middleware Products Division
> >   
David Tanzer, Haghofstr. 29, A-3352 St. Peter/Au, Austria/Europe
http://deltalabs.at -- http://dev.guglhupf.net -- http://guglhupf.net
My PGP Public Key: http://guglhupf.net/david/david.asc
Pinky, Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?
Well, I think so Brain but if Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, 
why does he keep doing it?

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