catchup after long week...

George Harley wrote:

Earlier on today I spent some time following the instructions for developing Harmony Java code inside Eclipse [1]. After experimenting with archive, luni and nio I decided to check out modules/security and found that, in its current form, it can't be brought into an Eclipse workspace and used like the other modules. One obvious difference is that it doesn't have any Eclipse project metadata in there (e.g. .project and .classpath files).

Easy to fix, although it's generally a convention in the OSS projects I've worked in not to have that sort of IDE-specific junk in the project, as we want people to be free to use whatever they want to use.

 After adding these in (in my private
workspace), I began to look at other differences between security and its peer modules in particular the difference in source layouts. Recalling some ideas for layouts that have been kicked around this list, I started to move things around a little to try and make things a little more uniform with respect to those peer modules. Things were made more interesting by virtue of the following security module distinctions :

* it has platform-specific Java code
* it contains native code for both Windows and Linux

Right, which is something I believe we want to do to the other modules, move the native code inside each module.


In addition to moving source around, I also made the necessary tweaks to the Ant scripts contained in the security module plus the "top level" Java build file trunk/make/build-java.xml so the Ant builds still work as before.

That would be expected, yes :)


I would be really keen to hear what people think of this prototype re-structuring. It would be great if we could make the security module as simple to work with inside Eclipse as the other modules are.

I'm all for making things work inside eclipse as long as the Eclipse tail doesn't wag the dog, and make us do things that favor eclipse over people who do command-line oriented build/test, or other IDEs and editors.

I'll comment on the structure in your next message - (that's got to be the only advantage for going silent for a few days, being able to look down the thread...)


Best regards,


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