> Daniel Gandara wrote:
> >>> c) Some still missing components...
> >>> we have checked some pre-conditions before making this announcement
> >>> we  found that there are some components we need (i.e.: concurrent)
> >>> which
> >>> are  not on Harmony yet.  Is someone working on those missing
> >>> components?
> >
> >> I'm not sure.  We were thinking about using Doug Lea's to start.
> >>
> >> Are you working on that now?
> >>
> >
> > No, we are not working on concurrent component.  We use concurrent at
> > java.rmi package, so it is one of the missing requisite for our
> > implementation to work; the other big one is 1.5 :)
> I expect that Geir meant, "does your code work with Doug Lea's
> concurrent utils now" (and if he didn't I'll ask the question anyway!)

ok.   Geir: sorry if I missunderstood you :)
> i.e. have you tried running it with the original code (EDU.oswego.cs.dl)
> from Doug's website or only the concurrent utils in 5.0 (JSR166)?

we have only tried with the concurrent utils in 5.0, but we will try with
and see how it behaves, I'll let you know.



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