I've started to lay down some build scripts within each module for
people who use the command line (as opposed to Eclipse) for development.

These 'module builds' assume that you have a working Harmony JRE in the
deploy/jre directory, and the associated VM overlaid.  Steps for this
'bootstrapping' build should be familiar, and are described on the

Once you have the initial Harmony JRE built you can work in a single
module and compile (using the Harmony JRE & Eclipse compiler) and test
changes to just that module.

So, for example, if I want to work in NIO, I can 'cd' into modules/nio
and hack on the source code and tests in there, compile the NIO code by
typing 'ant' in modules/nio/make, and test by typing 'ant test' in that
same dir.

NB: The compile step replaces the nio.jar in the deploy/jre/lib/boot
directory (so if you really screw up you'll have to revert and run the
global build again!)



p.s.  it is still a work in progress


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

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