Hey - looks great Nathan! I'll tidy up the JLM one to look similar

Paulex - it looks to me as though you could create a similar page for the NIO, is that right?

Vladimir - is it you who is mainly looking at security? How about a similar page on what you are doing?

Nathan Beyer wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: zoe slattery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 7:50 AM
To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Component status pages (was:Re: any donations expected for awt
and swing?)

Tim Ellison wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

Tim Ellison wrote:

Probably best to put the 'concerted work in progress' description on
wiki, so anyone can join in; the website status page was intended to
more of a current state of the code overview.  We should also start to
set ourselves some goals, in terms of applications to run, etc.

Why not have "started" on the webpage, and then a like to the wiki page
if there is one?

Or just encourage people to ask here on the dev list...

Yes, that would be fine.  If somebody wants to hack the wiki for module
status pages, I'll volunteer to point to the website to them.

To start with (because it is easier for people to update) I've
replicated Tim's table on the Wiki
(here:http://wiki.apache.org/harmony/component_development_status). I've
linked one component (j.l.mangement) to a seperate page and marked it as
"started". How about other people marking up the areas that they are
working in?
[Nathan Beyer] I added a LUNI page [1]. I've been trying to implement and
stub out all of the missing Java 5 stuff, so I've put some of my information
up there.

[1] http://wiki.apache.org/harmony/LUNI


If you want to make a start on the wiki page that would be good, or if
anyone else has an idea for tracking intent...

It's also worth mentioning that I don't believe we should be exclusive
about areas of work within, and contribution to, Harmony.


While I
understand that the goal is to minimize redundant work, we may find
ourselves in the situation of having more than one implementation of
same APIs (we already saw this happen with 'security' and 'security2'
contributions).  This is no bad thing as it allows us to evaluate the
best technical option (quickly) and proceed with the combined group of
experts collaborating on a single code base.  I hope we can continue
do so 'harmoniously'.

Choice and competition is good.  This isn't "live or die" competition,
but "we can choose best of breed" competition, and we all benefit.
are no losers.



karan malhi wrote:


I am writing the interfaces for the javax.accessibility package. Some
the interfaces are dependent on classes from the awt package. Are we
expecting any donations for awt, swing packages?
If donations are not expected then what approach should I take?
Should I
start writing stuff for  awt and swing (on which accessibility
on) so that accessibility classes compile during a build in harmony?
Please guide me here.

Secondly, once a volunteer starts working on a "Missing" module as
stated on

, should the status be changed to something else like "Work in
or something?

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