Hi Mikhail (again),

Just a couple of brief observations about the SerializationTest.java code as it stands in SVN today :

1) The reference/golden .dat files for Serializable classes in a given module could be added under the module's src/test/resources directory (in sub-folders corresponding to their package names). In an Ant build these would be copied under the test bin using a tweaked version of the "copy-test-resources" target (see the proposed changes to make/build-java.xml contained in the HARMONY-57). At runtime this would make the .dat files available from the classpath.

2) The need for the "TEST_SRC_DIR" system property goes away if method getDataFile() were updated to use java.net.URI.

protected File getDataFile(int index) {
   String name = "/" + this.getClass().getName().replace('.', '/') + "."
       + index + ".dat";
return new File(URI.create(this.getClass().getResource(name).toString()));

It seems to me that the src/test/resources directory would be an ideal place to keep a module's reference .dat files.

Best regards,

George Harley wrote:
Mikhail Loenko wrote:
2006/3/9, George Harley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Such a testing effort still sounds pretty daunting though.

BTW, there is a framework for serialization testing which is currently
in the security module:


It serves to simplify serialization testing and has the docs inside. Actually almost all serializable security-related classes are tested with this framework.

Does it make sense to move the framework to a common place?

Hi Mikhail !

I've spent a little bit of time running this (with a couple of my own
little concrete subclasses of SerializationTest) and I really like it.
It was pretty straightforward to create a JUnit error for the case of
java.util.TimeZone after my overridden version of getData() used
TimeZone.getDefault() to generate a couple of TimeZone instances from
the RI.

I can definitely see a case for broadening this approach outside just
the security classes. Really impressive stuff !

Best regards,


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