Mark Hindess wrote:
Our local builds now complete a two stage build.  First with a
certified JDK and then with the eclipse compiler running on the VME
and deploy directory from the first stage build.  They then run the

I'm also generating some reports as part of the build.  The JAPI reports
currently show:

  JDK    Good     Bad     Missing   Abs-add
  jdk14  17.56%   0.01%   82.42%    0%
  jdk15  15.37%   0.52%   84.09%    -

I'm also reporting against some manually created class lists [1] for
running a number of applications.  These are currently reporting:

  Application     JRE Classes
                  %     Found/Total
  derby           99.64   277/278
  tomcat          93.22   330/354
  continuum       92.94   408/439
  axis            90.93   361/397
  geronimo-jetty  81.68   495/606

I'll put the missing classes lists on the wiki shortly (under

Geir, these builds are relatively stable now so I'd be happy to consider
what can be done to get them running on Apache infrastructure?

We could, in theory, ask infra@ to give us a solaris zone, but I'm not sure this is kosher since we are under incubation, I guess the incubator PMC would have to be responsible for that.

If not, I would suggest we ask the Gump PMC (of which leo, sam and I are part of) and maybe we can run that on



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