I had the same problem - I have to use the non-free-as-in-beer, certainly-not-as-in-speech MSFT Visual Studio .NET 2003 toolchain, plus some other package thingy from MSFT that adds something to it. (I don't remember).

I keep forgetting to suggest this to people who pop in here... can someone who has the time and patience *please* take a run at getting this to build with :

1) The free-as-in-beer MSFT tool chain

2) GCC and it's brethren, either via MinGW or Cygwin

I currently think of our tooling requirements as a barrier to entry.

As for ml.exe, I had the same problem when trying the free MSFT tool chain, and I did find a free assembler somewhere that was meant to replace ml.exe (it wasn't from MSFT).

This would be a great help, anyone....


Paulex Yang wrote:

I tried same thing before, and failed in same reason, I cannot find this message in mailing list archive, but I remembered I asked this question before. The facts made me crazy is I had to download all those things like MS platform SDK, .Net SDK and vctoolkit2003, and then had to hack some files in platform SDK(not the *hack* really means, just copy some file from one directory to another), however at last, I found I cannot find free ml.exe to compile *.asm. Seems the ml.exe was free, but it isn't now.

Mikhail Loenko wrote:

I'm trying to build Harmony on Windows XP with free MSFT soft only.

I've downloaded already ~1Gb of various free MSFT soft, made some hacks
on various files and now need to compile *.asm we have in native-src.

<note> our readme does not mention that type of files </note>

Is there any way to get ml.exe from MSFT for free?


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