On Wed, Mar 22, 2006 at 06:41:56AM -0500, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> >Eg I would suggest that we bite the bullet and go something like this:
> >
> >  "unit test" --> any test runnable by a "unit testing framework" such as
> >          JUnit or Cactus.
> >
> >  "implementation test" --> a test run to verify that a specific piece
> >          of code, preferably as small a piece as is seperately
> >          testable, behaves as expected.
> >
> >  "specification test" --> a test run to verify that an implementation is
> >          conformant with some specification, prefereably as small a piece
> >          of the specification for which a test can be defined.
> >
> >  "API test" --> a specification test where the specification takes the
> >          form of an API definition (perhaps a java interface with
> >          supporting javadocs, perhaps just javadocs, perhaps IDL...)
> >
> >  "tck test" --> any test defined as part of something that is called a
> >          "TCK" or technology compatibility kit. TCK tests are
> >          supposed to be specification tests.
> You forgot one - "integration test", which is a unit test that's been 
> around long enough to shave. :)   (It's actually not a unit test...)

  "integration test" --> any test that is not an implementation test or
        specification test. Typically these test the interactions between
        multiple pieces rather than the correct behaviour of a single

I forgot another one:

  "gump run using harmony" --> the biggest frigging integration test you
        can think of. Tests the interaction between harmony and millions
        of lines of userland code.

> >>>We already see lots of errors caused by
> >>>oversight of the classloader differences.
> >>Right.  And I think the solution is to think about this in some other 
> >>way than just running things in a VM, like a test harness that does the 
> >>right thing in terms of the classes being tested (what would be in the 
> >>boot classloader) and the classes doing the testing.
> >
> >I don't know about that. I'm sure that if the problem is well-defined
> >enough solutions will become apparent, and I still don't quite get why it
> >is the subject of continuous debate (eg can't someone just go out and try
> >and do what you propose and show it works?).
> The problem is 'completeness' because we have multiple problems to 
> solve.

Uh-oh. Completeness is a scary word. I didn't see that coming.

<snip a couple of hackiness details />
> I think that both of these solutions are
> a) messy - since only XP psycho's really *enjoy* creating unit tests, we 
> want to make it as painless as possible as to not disincentivize 
> developers.  Look at what we have so far.  IBM had to go off to the Unit 
> Test Mines they run in a Secret Undisclosed Location in the Principality 
> of BigBlueLand to provide unit tests for stuff they had already donated! 
> :) [Thanks, btw]

The class library design is messy. Testing it will, one way or another, be
a messy subject.

> b) subject to "mechanical failure" - we're doing all sorts of unnatural 
> acts on code that is usually the "rock solid" basis for doing these 
> unnatural things to other code (like in app servers), and I worry that 
> such complexity will lead to very hard or impossible to find failures or 
> bugs

Heh. You find *those* by running the app server tests :-). I suspect that
running the J2EE TCK against geronimo running on harmony and comparing it
with running the J2EE TCK against geronimo running on the sun jdk is
going to be pretty insightful...

> >There is also the possibility that all the package-private materials in
> >reality are fully exercised if you test the public parts of the package
> >thoroughly enough. A coverage utility like clover can show that. XP
> >(extreme programming) purists (like me) might argue that if you have
> >package-private stuff that is not exerciseable through the public API
> >that the package-private stuff needs to be factored out. But lets try not
> >to argue too much :-)
> I agree with the latter part.  What I worry about though is that despite 
> the best of intentions, unit testing tends not to ever be complete and 
> thorough.  I don't know if things like clover indicate the quality of 
> the coverage - but simply having coverage just isn't enough, IMO, as you 
> may not exercise completely enough so that all internal functionality is 
> directly exercised.  Dunno.

You've never had the pleasure of being part of a project that was fully
XP-run from the start, have you? Its not a pipe dream but its also not
likely to be attainable for harmony (if we want to get anything running
before 2020).

> >>>>I
> >>>>couldn't imagine that the Eclipse tests don't test package protected
> >>>>things.
> >>>The only thing shared with Eclipse-land here is the *.tests.* package
> >>>name element, hardly significant or unique I expect.
> >>Well, it is around here. While I haven't done a survey, I'm used to 
> >>projects keeping things in parallel trees to make it easy to test. 
> >
> >If with "here" you mean "the ASF" I'm happy to challenge the assertion :-)
> Please point me to it!  I always want to see new ways of doing this. 
> Challenge away!

Okay :-), top-of-head,


(one of the last remaining bits of code that can be traced back to apache
jserv which was tested using testlet which was around before JUnit). In
general, the parts of jakarta and what grew out of it that are derivants of
the JServ branch of working (including avalon, now excalibur, cocoon) often
do thingsl ike this.

The fact I typed that URL from memory and was right is kinda scary, isn't
it? I've not worked on that code for *years* and its moved a few dozen

> So the problem boils down to the fact that we are implicitly doing 
> integration testing.  That's why I've been suggesting the framework - 
> let us test the code in isolation first, using "implementation tests". 
> Then, if our isolation framework is sexy enough, lets try to reproduce 
> the same classloader/security model we would experience in a VM, and do 
> spec/API testing.  *Then* we can do integration testing by running the 
> code in the VM ("in situ") and do the proper (aka (*.test.*) ) 
> spec/API/tck testing.
> I'll post this as a separate message because this one is way too woolly 
> at this point.

Okay, this does sound like "the core" of the matter. There you go.

I'll point out that every time you restrict to an ordered sequence of
taking care of things in an open souce community you do slow them down just
a little (hey, that's an interesting assertion. Hmm. Should write a book
about it I guess) so make sure its what you want :-).


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