Dalibor Topic wrote:

5- The ASF provides me with an official, legally binding document,
 signed by officers that have sufficient rights to do so, stating that
 it will only sub-license (distribute, etc.) code contributed by SableVM
 authors (can be identified specifically) and derivatives of this code,
 under licenses that require explicit acknowledgment of the copyright
 of these authors and that require redistribution of the related text
 found in the NOTICE file.  [I have no trouble letting the ASF lawyers
 come up with some text proposal.  I would highly suggest reusing words
 off the Apache License 2.0 to do so.  I can even propose some text, if
 you wish me to do so.]

Is the intent that you want to be able to claim copyright on VMs linking
to Harmony's VM modules?

From what I understood, Etienne is concerned that the ASF would take his code and decide to relicense it under the Apache License 2.0 without mentioning him and wants to be protected against that even if there is no record nor will of anybody here of doing so.

A little paranoid maybe, but sounds reasonable to me.


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