Hi Etienne,

Hi Enrico,

SableVM's trunk ( svn co svn://svn.sablevm.org/sablevm/trunk ) is now
licensed under the Apache License 2.0.  As SableVM is maintained by a
number of developers, but is also used by many of my students to develop
new VM components and do research, it was deemed more appropriate not to
put SableVM in Harmony's repository for the following reasons:

1- Harmony's repository is not the appropriate place for creating many,
many branches to do academic research on VMs.

2- Keeping a clear Intellectual Property trail would be a nightmare if
SableVM's development and maintenance was spread over two distinct

3- According to Geir, integration of the VM into Harmony's repository is
not a preriquisite for J2SE certification.

ok, got it :-)

The SableVM project has chosen to integrate our VM with Harmony's class
library.  In particular, I have started with a student to implement
Harmony's VMI.  Our objective is to fully adapt SableVM to work with
Harmony's VMI "as is".  If I understand JCHEVM's approach, they are
going in a different direction; they are developing a "GNU Classpath
compatibility layer" so that Classpath-based VMs could migrate to
Harmony with little effort.


SableVM's goal is to become entirely dependent on Harmony's LUNI
packages, as we do like Harmony's VMI.  This will have the consequence
of breaking SableVM's compatibility to Classpath's LUNI packages.  Yet
we do not see this as a problem;  you will still be able to use
Classpath other packages with SableVM (awt, swing, etc.).

So, if you wish to contribute to SableVM for helping with the Harmony
integration, please join us at http://sablevm.org.  If you are
interested, we'll use the SableVM developer mailing-list to coordonate
the Harmony adaptation effort.

I, and others, ported JCHEVM to Cygwin, during the past 2 months; there are still a couple of things to fix, but the main work is done.

The port was made in order to be able to "study" JCHEVM on the Windows platform. I understand, in fact, that having the Cygwin layer running on top of Windows may compromise speed performances of any JVM. In principle, the "-no-cygwin" option of GCC should allow us to produce an executable that doesn't need the cygwin1.dll library, but:

1. I haven't yet tried to enable it
2. The functionality of cygwin1.dll might be embedded in the executable file (in this case the Cygwin layer is hidden in the .exe)

My ultimate goal, is contributing to the development of a reliable JVM which will run on the ARM platform, because I work in the embedded systems area. I don't care if such a goal will be achieved in 2 or 3 years, the only thing I care is not to waste my time in volunteering on a thing that may be abandoned.


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