On 4/7/06, Chris Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 06 April 2006 23:59, Tim Ellison wrote:
> > You can run the Eclipse IDE on Classpath or Harmony(*) class libraries,
> > both are sufficiently well advanced to run it.
> >
> > (*) you need to use the regex code from regex-beans-math which hasn't
> > been merged into the build process yet
> I knew eclipse ran on Classpath (e.g. gcj), wasn't sure about Harmony. That's
> good to hear.
> IMO Harmony developers should be encouraged to use a Sun-free workstation
> whenever possible, to avoid this kind of slip-up. There should also be
> automatic detectors for references to sun.* or com.sun.* classes.

Hi folks,

BTW we use simple script to check if the sources contain the words we
would like to avoid. You can find it attached. The usage is pretty

  perl check_bad_words.pl <dictionary> <directory or file>

Also attached is dictionary file that contains "Sun" and "GPL" as two
sample words. You can turn on your imagination and enhance the
dictionary significantly. :)

May we propose the committers to run it before committing anyuthing to SVN?

Alex Orlov.
Intel Middleware Products Division

> Regards,
> Chris
> --
> Chris Gray        /k/ Embedded Java Solutions      BE0503765045
> Embedded & Mobile Java, OSGi    http://www.k-embedded-java.com/
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                             +32 3 216 0369
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use File::Spec;
use strict;

my $ext_src = "java|c|h|cpp|hpp|j|jfl|ccode";
my $ext_sup = "xml|txt|pl|sh|bat|cmd";
my $ext = "(" . $ext_src . "|" . $ext_sup . ")";
my $filename = "copyright|license|notice|readme";
my %bad_words = ();

sub readDictionary {
        my ($dic) = @_;
        if (-f $dic) {
                open (FD_DIC, "< $dic") or die "Can't open dictionary file: 
                while (<FD_DIC>) {
                        unless (/^#/ || /^\s+$/) {
                                my ($word, $area) = split(" ; ");
                                chomp $area;
                                my @areas = split(":", $area);
                                push @{$bad_words{$word}}, @areas;
        } else {
                die "Invalid dictionary file: $dic\n";

sub readDir {
        my ($file) = @_;
        if (-d $file) {
                if (opendir(FD_DIR, $file)) {
                        chdir ($file);
                        foreach my $item (readdir(FD_DIR)) {
                                if ($item ne '.' && $item ne '..') {
                        chdir ("..");
                        closedir (FD_DIR);
                } else {
                        print "Can't open dir $file\n";
        } elsif (-f $file) {
                if ($file =~ /\.$ext$/ || $file =~ /^$filename/i) {
                        &searchBadWords(&readFile($file), $file);
        } else {
                print "File or directory doesn't exist: $file\n";

sub searchBadWords($$) {
        my ($content, $file) = @_;
        my ($prev, $after, $match, $area);
        my $abs_fname = File::Spec->rel2abs($file);
        foreach my $word (sort keys %bad_words) {
                my $checkable = 0; # false
                foreach $area (@{$bad_words{$word}}) {
                        if (($area eq "all") or (index($abs_fname, $area) ne 
-1)) {
                                $checkable = 1; # true
                if ($checkable) {
                        if ($content =~ m/$word/i) {
                                $match = $&;
                                $prev = $`;
                                $after = $';
                                print "File: $abs_fname\n";
                                print "Bad word: $match\n";
                                print "Line #" . &getLineNumber($prev) . "\n";
                                print "String: " . &getString($prev, $after, 
$match) . "\n";
                                print "------------------------------------\n";
        if ($file =~ /^*\.($ext_src)/) {
            if ($content =~ /[\s_]bug[\s_]*(#*)(\d+)/) {
                $match = $&;
                $prev = $`;
                $after = $';
                print "File: $abs_fname\n";
                print "Bug mentioning: $match\n";
                print "Line #" . &getLineNumber($prev) . "\n";
                print "String: " . &getString($prev, $after, $match) . "\n";
                print "------------------------------------\n";

sub readFile($) {
        my($file_name) = @_;
        my $content = "";       
        if (open(FH, "< " . $file_name)) {
                while (<FH>) {
                        $content .= $_;
                close FH;
        } else {
                printf STDERR "Can't open file $file_name\n";

sub getString($$$) {
        my($prev, $after, $match) = @_;
        my $last_p = rindex($prev, "\n");
        my $first_a = index($after, "\n");
        substr($prev, $last_p + 1, length($prev) - $last_p) . $match . 
substr($after, 0, $first_a);

sub getLineNumber($) {
        my($string) = @_;
        my $lnum = 1;
        while ($string =~ m/\n/g) {

if (scalar(@ARGV) < 2) {
        print "Usage: perl check_bad_words.pl <dictionary> <directory or file>";


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