On 4/17/06, Mikhail Loenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why it is that complicated?
> Why one have jump over utility methods in different classes or even folders to
> understand what a 5-line test does?
> testSomething() throw OtherException {
>        try {
>            ec.do_something_exceptional();
>            fail("NullPointerException was not thrown!");
>        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
>            //expected
>        }
> }
> Let's keep simple things simple

Actually, it is not complicated. Because in the 'client' code you will
have only small and intention-revealing checkes like:

        testExceptionalCase(new NullPointerCase() {
            public void exceptionalAction() throws Exception {

As I told that is well fits into OO conept and garantee you from not
loosing any checks. Besides, it avoid duplication since you write only
absolutely necessary code, not repeating
try {
each time...
If you need to check a message you have just to mention it is the constructor...

It doesn't pretend to be the best choice. As I mantioned it was just
how I do that. If you don't find this approach convenient and
duplication-free don't use it :-).

Anton Avtamonov,
Intel Middleware Products Division

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