George Harley wrote:
Paulex Yang wrote:
George Harley wrote:
Hi Paulex,

I pressed "send" a bit too soon there. This is the sort of classpath set up I was referring to in the previous message. Please note the bottom "classpathentry" element which I think specifies the default output folder for a project.

   <classpathentry output="bin/main" kind="src" path="src/main/java"/>
<classpathentry output="bin/test" kind="src" path="src/test/resources"/> <classpathentry output="bin/main" kind="src" path="src/main/resources"/>
   <classpathentry output="bin/test" kind="src" path="src/test/java"/>
   <classpathentry kind="output" path="bin/main"/>

I pressed too soon, too;)

It's exactly what my .classpath now looks like, it works well for me.

That's great ! I'll move to close out the JIRA issues related to this now (that's 334, 338 and 339).
Well, how about update all the .classpath in SVN, too? ;-)

Best regards,

Please let us know how it goes.

Best regards,

George Harley wrote:
Paulex Yang wrote:
Well, George, you caught me;)

I tried your solution on TEXT module at first, but for some unknown reasons, Eclipse refused to compile according to the modification and outputs:

"Cannot nest output folder 'text/bin/main' inside output folder 'text/bin' "

Hi Paulex,

Just a hunch, but is "text/bin" the default output folder for your Eclipse project ? If so then could you change that default value to be "text/bin/main" and see if the Eclipse compile error is still there ?


I have no idea what happened, so I took a shortcut to walk around. My environment is Eclipse 3.2 M5 on WinXP

If this issue can be resolved, I'm fine to output them directly to existing bin/test directory.

George Harley wrote:
Hi Paulex,

Adding new Eclipse source folders to a module to cater for the resources sounds good to me, but I don't understand the need to have their output go to new sub-folders under bin. Why not just have test resources go under the existing bin/test and main resources go under bin/main like this ...

<classpathentry output="bin/test" kind="src" path="src/test/resources"/> <classpathentry output="bin/main" kind="src" path="src/main/resources"/>

Best regards,

Paulex Yang wrote:
Recently we have agreed to put the serialization data file to the <module>/test/resources/serialization directory, but which requires Eclipse user additional setting to run serialization tests. To handle this issue, I propose to add the following lines to .classpath file of each module as below, so that the files in resources directory can be built into default classpath. Comments?

<classpathentry output="bin/resources/test" kind="src" path="src/test/resources"/> <classpathentry output="bin/resources/main" kind="src" path="src/main/resources"/>

George Harley (JIRA) wrote:
     [ ]
     George Harley resolved HARMONY-349:

    Resolution: Fixed

Hi Paulex,
Changes committed in revision 395251. I made a couple of modifications to the supplied test case to enable it to load the .ser file from the system classloader. In addition I put the .ser into the modules/text/src/test/resources/serialization/java/text location and updated the build.xml with a new copy.test.resources target so that this .ser file (and eventually others like it) make it onto the runtime classpath. Please could you confirm if this version of your patch has been applied to your satisfaction.
Thanks for this enhancement, George

The currency field of DecimalFormatSymbols is not deserialized properly ------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Key: HARMONY-349
     Project: Harmony
        Type: Bug

  Components: Classlib
    Reporter: Paulex Yang
    Assignee: George Harley

According to the serialized form of DecimalFormatSymbols, the DecimalFormatSymbols itself should be responsible for initializing the currency from the intlCurrencySymbol field. But Harmony only leave it as null. The following test case reproduces this bug:
    public void test_serialization() {
DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.FRANCE);
        Currency currency = symbols.getCurrency();
        try {
            // serialize
ByteArrayOutputStream byteOStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream objectOStream = new ObjectOutputStream(
            // and deserialize
ObjectInputStream objectIStream = new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(byteOStream.toByteArray())); DecimalFormatSymbols symbolsD = (DecimalFormatSymbols) objectIStream
// The associated currency will not persist
            currency = symbolsD.getCurrency();
        } catch (Exception e1) {
            fail("Errors occur during serialization");
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("currency should not be null");
Pass on RI(Sun JDK1.5.0_06)
Rail on Harmony

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China Software Development Lab

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