On 4/24/06, Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Magnusson, Geir skrev  den 24-04-2006 14:39:
> > :)
> >
> > SSG == Solutions and Software Group
> >
> > P = product
> > D = Division
> >
> > Guess what M stands for...
> >
> >
> :)
> Geir, I was wondering if you could make an informal statement regarding
> how IBM and Intel is backing the harmony project?  Sounds like there is
> many man hours in code, both past and future.
> I think it is great because this gives a big momentum but I also think
> it would be nice to hear this in the open.

While Intel's middleware division is commited to Harmony, Intel's top brass
is pushing Wintel everywhere. And Microsoft is known for its anti-java

In fact, the whole point of .net and C# was to take mindshare away from
java, which with its cross-platform warranty, makes windows irrelevant.

So, here we have a small section of Intel funding something that the Evil
Empire of Redmondia hates with a passion.

I'd say it wouldn't be nice to make a big fuss out of Intel's involvement.
In fact, it could even backfire.

But then WTF do I know, I'm a journalist geek. ;-)

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