Mikhail Loenko wrote:
Then how to run only independent tests?

Such a run would make sense to validate the tests or
if we switch to different RI version
It should be easy for ant script to identify independent tests by package name convention, e.g, we have a keyword "API" for the independent tests (1), and 2 can be easily excluded.

For the intended different behavior (4), test can be added to ant's exclude list (I don't expect there are too many such cases)


2006/4/28, Paulex Yang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Mikhail Loenko wrote:
And how would you split 1,2,4,5  between these two folders?

I thought it is obvious.
test 1,2,4 goes to src/test
test 5 goes to src/impltest (internl/injected/boot anything is fine)
and all implementation goes to src/main

and they can be compiled to corresponding bin dir, i.e.

bin/main and bin/impltest goes to bootclasspath
bin/test goes to classpath

Pls. correct me if I made mistake or missed sth.

2006/4/27, Paulex Yang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Mikhail Loenko wrote:

If it's separated, I'm OK with it

Can you suggest dir names?


Either boot or injected(as Mark said) sounds good keyword to me.  so it
can be one of below:
1. src/test.injected/
2. src/test/injected
3. src/test.boot/
4. src/test/boot

Mmm...seems injected is more self-descriptive,  I prefer option 1. So
the layout would be:



2006/4/27, Paulex Yang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Mikhail Loenko wrote:

The problem is the tests will be mixed like that:

org.apache.harmony.security.asn1 -- tests in bootclasspath
org.apache.harmony.security.cert  -- tests in bootclasspath
org.apache.harmony.security.tests -- tests in classpath
org.apache.harmony.security.x509 -- tests in bootclasspath

Good catch! :)

It's not so hard for script to separate, if the package name doesn't
contains "test", it belongs to bootclasspath

And if you concern about human reading, we can separate src directory
for them, i.e.
src/boottest/java or src/test/boot/java



2006/4/27, Paulex Yang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Mikhail Loenko wrote:


we have at least 8 categories of tests:
    running from classpath or bootclasspath
    implementation specific or independent
    testing org.apache.harmony.* or java.*
Could you please list how all the tests will be named


OK, let me try. I'm not sure if all 8 categories are necessary,

1. [classpath], [independent], [java.*]
      o.a.h.<module name>.tests.api.<package name>, e.g.,
o.a.h.luni.tests.api.java.util is test package for java.util
    I consider the module name is optional and can be removed, so it can be
      o.a.h.tests.api.java.util for java.util

2. [classpath], [dependent], [o.a.h.*]
     o.a.h.<module name>.tests.<package name without o.a.h...prefix>,
e.g., o.a.h.luni.tests.util is test package for o.a.h.luni.util
   Again, the module name is optional, but if module name is not
prefix, it should be part of package name, so it is:
      o.a.h.tests.luni.util for o.a.h.luni.util

3. [classpath], [independent], [o.a.h.*]
   I don't expect these classes/tests exist.

4. [classpath], [dependent], [java.*]
   if my understanding is correct, this category means the tests for
intended different behavior between Harmony and RI, I consider these
tests should be put in same package with API tests, and separate them by
running script instead of different package, because RI may fix bug in
the revision later(e.g, Sun JDK 1.5.1 maybe?), and IIRC in another
thread we have agreed that we always follow latest version of RI, so it
will be much easier to change the different behavior tests to API tests
if we use script to separate them, and vice versa.

5. [bootclasspath],
   which covers 4 categories you mentioned, the test cases are in same
package with implementions
      java.util is test package for java.util
      o.a.h.luni.util is test packag for o.a.h.luni.util

As a summary, we'll have four kind of test packages:

a. o.a.h.<module>.tests.api.java.***  for case 1,4 above
b. o.a.h.<module>.tests.***  for case 2 above
c. java.***, for case 5 above
d. o.a.h.***, for case 5 above



2006/4/27, Paulex Yang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Mikhail Loenko wrote:


The problem is that no one yet suggested a consistent solution
that would fit for all the tests and would not get into packages like


Everybody seems to agree that SOME implementation specific tests are
in the same package as implementation.

But if we have ALL the tests in the same package as implementation,
then we can't run e.g. tests against java.beans.Beans from classpath, so
we can't run regression test for HARMONY-358

The question is where we put 'classpath'  test. If we put them into
o.a.h.module.tests.[package under test] we result in that ugly package
names like


Why my prior proposal that o.a.h.security.tests.impl.util is unacceptable?

And I have no objection if "impl" considered redundant, too.


2006/4/27, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

George Harley wrote:


Of course, the text module has only "implementation-independent tests
that designed to be run from classpath". For modules that have got
implementation-specific tests then I suppose we could use something
like "org.apache.harmony.[module].tests.impl.[package under test]" or
"org.apache.harmony.[module].tests.internal.[package under test]" etc.
I've got no preference.


Put them in the same package as the class being tested, please, if there
is no problem being run that way.

Sorry to be so snippy.  Been a long day.

Why would we want this convoluted package name?  Why wouldn't we want to
let them be in the same package as the class being tested since it's
implementation testing?


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