The existent snapshot is intended for this purpose. However I'm not 100%
sure it will help
for your case when the C development environment is absent. I mean the
default Windows installation
should contain some set of dynamic libaries the snapshot can loaded at


On 5/11/06, Damian Hamill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you are working on Windows and don't have a C development environment
setup the build fails right away.  It might be useful to provide a
mechanism for obtaining the windows binary components so people who are
only interested in the java parts of harmony can build everything after
a checkout.


Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> Mark Hindess wrote:
>> On 9 May 2006 at 10:32, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Mark Hindess wrote:
>>>> As the Harmony Classlib grows, I think that being able to work on a
>>>> single module (or some subset of the modules) will become the
>>>> typical way of working for many (perhaps even most) contributors.
>>> Sure, that makes sense.
>>>> So I think we need a plan to support this.  I also think that
>>>> forcing ourselves to support this mode of working sooner rather than
>>>> later will help us keep from accidentally breaking the modularity in
>>>> the current build/development process.
>>> Can you not work on a single module now?
>> Yes.  But only by checking out everything.
> Wouldn't you do that anyway?
> I guess thats the mystery to me.  I figured that someone would do the
> full checkout, and go from there.
>>>> Oliver is currently looking at restructuring the native source to
>>>> the appropriate modules/*/src/main/native directory.
>>> Can he talk about it out here,
>> He/We did - more than once.  For instance:
>> There are quite a lot of issues when you think about how to get from
>> where we are today to where we want to be.  It's not as trivial as it
>> sounds so even writing a good description of the issue(s) for the list
>> is not straightforward.
> There are few alternatives though in an Apache project.
>>> or is this for your internal use?
>> Definitely not.  We sometimes talk to each other off-list but not very
>> often!  ;-)
>>>> One question that comes out of this investigation is: where should
>>>> the include files "live"?  I think they belong with the module that
>>>> provides the implementation defined by the declarations in the
>>>> header.  That is, zipsup.h is "owned" by archive, hythread.h is
>>>> "owned" by thread (luni), etc.
>>> Sure - that makes sense.
>>>> However, if the build was to refer to the header files within the
>>>> modules then this breaks the modularity.  So, for example, someone
>>>> working on a single module would have to checkout all the dependent
>>>> modules rather than just the one they wish to work on.
>>>> So, perhaps, at build time we should copy the header files out of
>>>> the owning module into a common include directory.  All modules
>>>> would then refer to the header file in the common include directory.
>> You didn't comment on this bit.
> No - I had something, and removed it so I could think about it.  In
> past lives, I've done a lot of C and C++, so was trying to recall any
> tricks we had.
> I didn't remember any.  I suppose this is an example of the downside
> of working in glorified assembler or glorified assembler with bolt-on
> OO extensions. :)
>> I don't think it's a good idea for one module referencing into another
>> directly where it isn't a well-defined interface that we can
>> manage/enforce appropriately.  Would you agree?
> But I don't see a solution here, yet.  Just balling things up into a
> "HDK" doesn't seem to fix it.
>> We might as well try to agree how to construct and manage this
>> "interface".  I think the copying/"hdk" idea is a good solution.
> I guess I don't grok how the copying solves the root problem of
> coupling, because the cross-coupling due to C/C++ is still there.
> I certainly can see that the copying is useful - for a given platform
> target, you can copy the stuff to the top, I guess.
> But I can also see having a "top" level per module, for which the
> target platform is copied into from the bowels of the module...
> That seems cleaner and keeps separate "namespaces".
>> I didn't imagine these issues would be this contentious or perhaps I'd
>> have tried to separate these two (related) issues.
> That may be the problem here - I'm confusing the two issues?
>>>> This means we can then create a snapshot tar/zip of the common
>>>> include directory which someone wishing to work on a single module
>>>> could download to build against.  This is not dissimilar to the
>>>> current way in which you could build the java sources against a
>>>> deploy/jre snapshot.
>>> Why wouldn't someone wishing to work on a single module just checkout
>>> all the code?
>> So someone working on prefs (which is approximately 2MB) would need to
>> check out all the source for luni (the current largest module at
>> awt, swing, sound, etc. ?
> Yes.  I actually think they would if it builds.  It appears to me that
> the classlibrary is intercoupled - our modules are an unnatural (to
> the status quo) segmentation we've placed on top in our quest for
> something better.
> I guess I need to re-read and figure out how this would solve that
> problem.  It seems to just add to the number of moving parts.
>> I usually have half a dozen workspaces where I'm trying things out
>> more at the moment since I'm looking at the four contributions that are
>> being voted on).  This isn't too bad at the moment with each one being
>> about 1/4 GB but it will get bigger over time and therefore less
>> manageable.
> Aha...
>>> I'm really wary about having non-SVN-sourced artifacts meant to be
>>> used in building/development.
>> Isn't that modularity?  Why shouldn't we do it - our customers will be?
> Because our users will be using released things.  Things that are
> stable.  A "*DK" by definition is stable, stable code, stable
> interfaces, etc.  (ok, slow moving, really, but you know what I mean...)
>>> Smells a bit like the first step towards the classic Windows
>>> "dll-hell".
>> Undoubtedly, with people working on separate modules, we will get build
>> breaks.  But we'll get them when, for example, we don't have sufficient
>> unit test coverage within the module being worked on - we had an
>> of this not long ago IIRC.  We'll also have breaks when people have
>> different assumptions about the meaning of the spec or the definition
>> the internal API.  It is a good thing that we find these *bugs* within
>> the project... being our own customers!
> I don't understand how a "hdk" helps find the bugs.
>> I think this will actually help *avoid* some of the problems you are
>> thinking about.
>>>> For windows, the snapshot would also include the .lib files that are
>>>> required to build for the run-time .dll files.
>>>> What is this new snapshot?  Well, Tim suggested
>>> (Where?)
>>>> that it was a little like the jdk but for Harmony development.  So
>>>> perhaps it should be called an hdk, Harmony Development Kit?
>>> I'm missing the point... why wouldn't a developer checkout head, build
>>> that, and then get to work on whatever part of whatever module they
>>> wanted?
>> The classlib is getting pretty big.  If we are serious about
>> then we should try to support it right through from build, development,
>> deployment and ultimately at runtime.
> I think that we're serious about modularity as a packaging option (our
> primary one) and something we're going to push for in the ecosystem.
> However, I'm afraid of letting the tail wag the dog here...
> [SNIP]
>>> Is it that since modules reference other modules, working in one
>>> module means you need the dependent modules around?
>> Yes, exactly.  We shouldn't require users to have the entire "source"
>> for all the dependent modules around.
> Are you accidentally conflating "user" and "developer" here?    They
> are entirely different roles.
> Also, I certainly can see the theoretical value of this, but we tried
> similar things in Geronimo, and it was, well, hell, because of the
> coupling between Geronimo and it's dependencies.  eventually, we gave
> up and had an 'uberbuild', which wasn't so bad - you'd checkout
> everything, do the master build, and then go dive into your module,
> which is what I think talked about doing here before.
> So I guess I'm just resistive due to painful experience on this.
>> We should support modularity at
>> the development level.  (Like we do already with the stubs for the
>> luni/security kernel classes.  We don't require developers to have the
>> VM around.)
>> When I'm developing C code I reference the libc header files but I
>> go poking around including random headers from the libc source.
>> So if I'm working on sql, I don't see why I shouldn't develop using
>> header files and other well-defined parts of the API for other modules
>> rather than having to have all of the source code checked out.
> Because I think version problems are going to spiral out of control.
>> Of course, we should still support people working by checking out
>> everything but we shouldn't require it.
> This has to be the case.  And IMO, whether you did something like "svn
> co; build top" which fills in the "top-level header directory" (which
> I think might be better per module), builds all jars, test jars, and
> libs, and puts everything in place so you can go wander off and work
> in a module, or do a lightweight checkout, stuff the hdk in a specific
> place in your classlib/trunk tree, apart for versions, the situation
> must be *identical*, or you are going to run into all sorts of build
> and debugging/discussion hell.
>>> A long time ago we talked about something like this, a pre-build step
>>> that produces a "hdk"-like set of artifacts that a developer could
>>> then use if they were focused down inside a module.
>>> Is this the same thing returning for discussion?
>> Not since I've been actively following the list but I'll dig about in
>> the archives later.
>>> Couldn't we just use a standard snapshot?  Take the latest nightly,
>>> drop into some magical place in the tree, and then go into your module
>>> and work from there?
>> Well, I was suggesting snapshots that might be:
>> 1) hdk (inc. jdk and jre)
>> 2) jdk (inc. jre)
>> 3) jre
>> but I think (?) you are suggesting using the one I overlooked:
>> 0) everything in classlib/trunk
>> I think 0) is going to get pretty big (but we should still create it)
>> and I think we should actively support using 1) for development too.
>> Wasn't someone recently pleading with Eclipse to make smaller
>> ;-)
> That's a totally different problem.
> In the end, I don't care if we snapshot things like this to make it
> easier, but I'm really worried about what this will become.
> Also, I think it would be better to be clear about the issues in here.
> So assuming I understand the issues, I'm not against this as long as
> the world is indistinguishable if I do a svn co and a "make the world"
> top-level build, or just checkout a module and drop in a hdk above it
> in the tree.
> AS a matter of fact, I think that the hdk is simple a tar of the junk
> created by a "make the world" build...
> Also, for you, with multiple workspaces, I would imagine that your
> life would be better with this being resolvable via a "pointer" in the
> build properties (which defaults to "." or -ish), so you can have both
> a full tree around, as well as one or more hdk snapshots.
> The following is an example of having the full tree ('full_checkout')
> at the same time as a hdk ('binary snapshot aka hdk') with three work
> areas (just the prefs checked out from SVN, the RMI contribution from
> Intel and the RMI contribution from ITC)
> /your_see_drive :)
>    /full_checkout/
>           /deploy/
>                artifacts
>           / whatever/
>    /binary snapshot aka hdk/
>           /deploy/
>                 artifacts
>    /checkout_of_pref_only/
>          build.props (points to /binary snapshot aka hdk/)
>          /modules/
>              /pref/
>    /contribution_1_from_SVN/
>          build.props (points to /full checkout/)
>           /modules/
>                /RMI from Intel/
>    /contribution_2_from_SVN/
>          build.props (points to /full checkout/)
>           /modules/
>                 /RMI_from_ITC/
> That way, you can dork w/ the full_checkout, fix something, and then
> your other work environments that are pointing at it get that fix w/o
> any work.
> I hope my crude art makes sense.
> geir
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