Fernando Cassia skrev  den 17-05-2006 14:35:

but VisualAge is still alive - it has just been
rewritten from Scheme to Java and been renamed to Eclipse (or Rational
Application Developer).  You may have heard of it :)

While I like Netbeans, I know about Eclipse and I heard about the
contributions to it based on VA. However, I don't think I can start pasting
VisualAge for Basic code into Eclipse and create win32, OS/2, or AIX
binaries from it like it was possible with VA for Basic, or can I?
Sorry, I was talking about VisualAge for Java. Apparently the other branches have been put to rest :)

The Rational Application Developer for iSeries (which is Eclipse with extra stuff) surprised me by requireing a meager 4 Gb on my harddrive, but astonished me when it needed to download 1 Gb of updates... So, Geir, the "holy bloat" could be a _LOT_ worse :)


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