On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 10:46:55AM -0700, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> First, they announced some kind of distribution-like agreement with 
> Ubuntu, so that any Debian-based distro can easily install Java.

About time! Goodness!

> Second.... I'm not sure how to describe this.  When Jonathan Schwartz 
> (the CEO of Sun) asked Rich Green (the new EVP of software) if he was 
> going to open-source Java, the answer was "the question isn't if, but 
> how..." (or something like that)
> I suppose that means they have made some sort of decision to do it, but 
> have no idea how or when.

Still, progress is progress :-)

> So, while many of us knew that Sun will OSS Java eventually, it's still 
> good news, and it's nice to see that the Java ecosystem is moving slowly 
> but surely to openness :)

Good on them! You know, 2 years ago I would've pretty much jumped up and
down a little and I'd have gone "whoohooh!".

But, looking at how harmony is doing and where its going, and also at how
classpath&friends are doing and where they're going, the statement that
the question to ask is not an "if" is just old news for me. *We* know that
already and I think we've been doing real well to get the "how" figured out,
leaving only "when" as The Big Question.

Here's hoping that this Rich Green fellow comes and asks us the "how"
question, though I hope he's been listening closely already :-)

In the meantime, lets keep up doing a great job!


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