Hi George, Tim

I'd like to clarify the following questions:
1) Configuring
As I understood we say that the server is 'embedded' when we can start/stop
it within Ant without additional configuration steps. And all we need to do
is just download required jars. Right?

What about Eclipse users?

2) Time to run test suite
May be it is hard to estimate but anyway - will the test suite run slow down
if we'll use jetty instead of mock objects? How much?

3) Testing
Quoting Tim from 'local server thread': "There is no way to force a server
to send you a chunked response using regular HTTP headers, so in this case
the server and client have an understanding that when the client asks for a
particular resource the server will send it back in chunks."

With mock objects this can be done with no problems and HARMONY-164
demonstrates the possible way. Also are we going to create negative tests,
for example, for broken server response? I think yes. Can jetty server be
used for negative testing?

See other comments below

On 5/22/06, George Harley wrote:

Stepan Mishura wrote:
> On 5/19/06, Tim Ellison wrote:
>> Stepan Mishura wrote:
>> <snip>
>> > I'm OK only if we separate tests with Jetty from common test suite
>> run.
>> Why?
> Because each external dependency complicates 'normal' test suite run ( I
> don't want to face with situation when to run Harmony test suite I
> have to
> configure and run 20 different external servers even they are easy
> configurable). As far as I remember we agreed to use mock objects - so
> let's
> use them! For example, in this case there is no need in jetty server.
> I'm not against 'jetty based tests' but I'd prefer to separate such
> tests.
> Thanks,
> Stepan.

Hi Stepan,

Just seen this note and think that my previous append on the "Re: svn
commit: r407752" thread sums up my thoughts. Allow me to quote myself:

Jetty or equivalent is a good basis for such local server stubs. It is
fast, it is lightweight,

Fast and lightweight as what?
I saw sometimes ago java server that has jar size 4k. And
jetty-6.0.0beta6.jar is 423k size.

it can be started and stopped very simply from
within Ant (so that it only runs for the duration of a specified batch
of unit tests) and may also be completely controlled from Java test code
so that we can configure its behaviour for any test case from within
that test case.


It's architecture means that we do not have to run it as
a complete web server but can stub out any aspect of its runtime
behaviour we wish in order to suit the purposes of the test(s).

What about 'chunked response'? Can a testcase force jetty server to send it
a chunked response?

I don't really understand why such network tests making use of a small,
embedded server running locally would need to be considered as outside
of the "normal test flow".

Because I consider adding jetty server as precedent for adding other
dependencies to the "normal test flow". I believe that "normal test flow"
should be fast and lightweight as much as possible. Each additional
dependency or configuration step adds a brick(even it light) to developer's
large. As the result classlib test suite may become very slow and hard to
configure. All I want is to understand - do we really need jetty server
inside it.


We are not talking about an external server here and we are not talking
about developers having to carry out complex configuration manoeuvres
when running the tests. That is something that nobody wants. The
motivation here is purely to get more of the java.net tests out of the
"excludes" sin bin.

Best regards,

> Regards,
>> Tim
>> --
>> Tim Ellison ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>> IBM Java technology centre, UK.
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Stepan Mishura
Intel Middleware Products Division

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