When you do the commit, please note the difference in the log message. (just the list of stuff that didnt' make it. Feel free to use wildcards...)



George Harley wrote:

While preparing to commit the javax.crypto and java.math contributions attached to HARMONY-199 I noticed that there is a lot of extra test artefacts in there that are pretty major in size. Not talking about test resources here (e.g. serialization data files etc) but stuff like XML documents detailing the results of tests conducted in January (itc/doc/testing/crypto/Linux/AllProviders.xml which weighs in at over 25 MB !!!), spreadsheets of performance comparison figures (itc/doc/testing/math/Windows/Performance Math Windows.xls which is about 800K) and so on.

If no one objects I would like to prune these files out of the initial commit. No modifications to any content, just remove what appears (to my eyes) to be extra data scooped up when the zips were created by ITC.

Daniel, Miguel and the rest of the ITC team : assuming that you agree with my observation it would be great if you could advise me on what can be removed from the contribution.

Best regards,

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