Weldon Washburn wrote:
This is a question for Apache legal.  Will the existing licenses allow
Harmony incubator volunteers to port MMTK to one of the incubator's

Yes.  It's really up to MMTK to accept any patches necessary.

>Can the modifications to the JVM be checked-in Harmony svn

Modifications to our JVM? Of course. IRRC, MMTK is CPL, which we should be able to distribute in binary form.

There is no desire to put MMTK source in the Harmony repository.

Good - that won't happen w/o IBM and the rest of the copyright holders relicensing it.

stays at its current home.  Only mods that support the MMTK interface
would be put in Apache svn repository.

If they are patches to MMTK, they will probably still be under CPL, so they can't go here.

If the are mods to our JVMs, of course they can go here.



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