Mark Hindess wrote:
> On 5 June 2006 at 18:46, "Anton Luht" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Good day,
>>>> I would propose to start with Geronimo.
>>> Someone looked at this a while ago I think[0], there is a link from:
>> Isn't it time to review 'missing classes' section for Geronimo and
>> other applications due to the Swing/AWT/Java2D contribution? Or we'd
>> rather wait till it is put in the repository?
> The build machine I'm running is produces summaries of the "missing
> classes" for a number of applications on every build. 

It would be cool if that info was placed on the  web somewhere

> Currently showing:
>   %    found/total
>  98.24   390/397 classlists/app/axis.classes.txt
>  99.32   436/439 classlists/app/continuum.classes.txt
> 100.00   278/278 classlists/app/derby.classes.txt
>  94.88   575/606 classlists/app/geronimo-jetty.classes.txt
>  98.87   350/354 classlists/app/tomcat.classes.txt
> with my awt test build I get:
> 100.00 397/397 classlists/app/axis.classes.txt
> 100.00 439/439 classlists/app/continuum.classes.txt
> 100.00 278/278 classlists/app/derby.classes.txt
>  96.04 582/606 classlists/app/geronimo-jetty.classes.txt
> 100.00 354/354 classlists/app/tomcat.classes.txt
> The remaining missing classes for geronimo are:
> java/nio/channels/spi/AbstractSelectionKey
> javax/rmi/CORBA/Util
> javax/rmi/CORBA/UtilDelegate
> javax/rmi/PortableRemoteObject
> org/omg/CORBA/CompletionStatus
> org/omg/CORBA/ORB
> org/omg/CORBA/Object
> org/omg/CORBA/SystemException
> org/omg/CORBA/UserException
> org/omg/CORBA/portable/IDLEntity
> org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/FormatMismatch
> org/omg/IOP/CodecPackage/TypeMismatch
> org/omg/PortableInterceptor/RequestInfo
> org/omg/PortableInterceptor/RequestInfoOperations
> org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerRequestInfo
> org/omg/PortableInterceptor/ServerRequestInfoOperations
> org/omg/PortableServer/POA
> org/omg/PortableServer/POAManagerPackage/AdapterInactive
> org/omg/PortableServer/POAOperations

One for NIO and the rest for CORBA...hmmm, could we run Geronimo without


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