Denis Sharypov wrote:
> I would like to give the background on how the build system is designed and
> then
> give answers for the specific questions.
> The build system provided with the VM is designed to be able to build the
> whole harmony codebase
> no matter how many modules it contains. The intent was to propose it later
> as a unified build system
> for the Harmony project after receiving the community feedback.

I appreciate that a lot of thought and effort has gone into the DRLVM
build system, but I'm not convinced that there has to be a one size fits
all approach since the influences on the build structure are likely to
be quite different between, say, the JIT (cares deeply about CPU
architecture, but not so much about the java classpath vs. bootclasspath
issues) and the class libraries (which arguably have the opposite concerns).

Of course, there has to be a unifying build that build 'the product' but
as we have discussed elsewhere this is most likely the orchestration of
a federated system.


> The main notion the build operates with is a component - a more or less
> distinct part of product (vm, classlib, tools, etc).
> The benefits are:
>      - A component can contain several types of source:
>        C++ sources, C sources, assembler sources, Java* sources, smoke
>        and unit tests.
>      - A component can be processed in several ways in the build:
>        produce native output (shared or static library or executable)
>        and/or Java* classes in .jar file, produce and run smoke and/or unit
> tests.
>      - One can switch between the different compilers and modes by using
> the environment variables, as follows:
>                                    On Windows*:                 |  On
> Linux*:
>  -------------------------------------+----------------------------
>    MSVC compiler  :     set CXX=msvc                   |  N/A
>    Intel(R) compiler :     set CXX=icl                        |      export
> CXX=icc
>    GCC compiler     :     N/A                                  |  export
> CXX=gcc
>    Release              :     set BUILD_CFG=release   |  export
> BUILD_CFG=release
>    Debug                :     set BUILD_CFG=debug      |  export
> BUILD_CFG=debug
>    The build dynamically produces a build_${component}.xml file for
>    each specific component by taking its descriptor, performing the
>    attribute-based filtering on it, and then applying target templates
>    and settings on it.
> The README describing how to write a component descriptor can be found at:
> harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/README.txt
> Here are the answers on questions:
> Component-oriented build system is designed to support project layout this
> way :
> /drlvm/
> /classlib/
> /tools/
> /deploy/
> The external resources such as APR, ECLIPSE, CPPTASKS, ZLIB, etc are
> described in enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/make/ and
> enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/make/ for each system
> respectively.
> Each network resource location is configured as follows:
>     remote.<resource name>.archive=<Resource URL or local path to zip
> archive>
> Which can be overridden through the system environment as follows:
>     <resource name>_HOME=<extracted archive location>
> For example, the build takes Eclipse from it's default location on Windows:
> remote.ECLIPSE.archive=
> unless the ECLIPSE_HOME is set and points to the Eclipse installation
> directory.
> The "build update" command downloads resources only once. It may be
> overridden by setting <resource name>_HOME=<extracted archive location>
> variables.
> The build is invokable from above by calling build.bat or
> depending
> on the operating system.
> It is possible to specify only certain compnent(s) to build:
>    build.bat -DCOMPONENTS="vm extra classlib"
> However, currently vm component is rigidly dependent on classlib and will
> initiate classlib building. I can't provide the patch to unhook vm and
> class
> libs today, but please allow a bit more time, and the patch will appear.


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