Stepan Mishura wrote:
On 6/14/06, Richard Liang wrote:

Tim Ellison wrote:
> Richard Liang wrote:
>> I launch Eclipse 3.2 RC7 with options "-Xms256M -Xmx256M -vm
>> D:\jdk\RI\jdk1.5.0_06\bin\javaw -Dpde.allowCycles=true
>> -Dpde.jreProfile=none",
>> But LUNI still cannot add "luni-kernel-stubs.jar" to its "Plug-in
>> Dependencies". So I have to add "luni-kernel-stubs.jar" to build path
>> explicitly. Could you please tell me what's wrong with my settings?
>> Thanks a lot.
> Looks like you are missing a "-vmargs" option to tell eclipse.exe to
> pass the -D args to the VM. So try (ignore my mail client's wrapping):
> eclipse -vm D:\jdk\RI\jdk1.5.0_06\bin\javaw -vmargs -Xms256M -Xmx256M
> -Dpde.allowCycles=true -Dpde.jreProfile=none
Great! It works very well. Thanks a lot, Tim. :-)

Hmm... strange but this recipe doesn't work for me.

Hello Stepan,

I'm using Eclipse 3.2 RC7 and I only check out LUNI, NIO and support. Could you provide more detailed error message? Thanks a lot.

Best regards,

> Tim

Richard Liang
China Software Development Lab, IBM

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Richard Liang
China Software Development Lab, IBM

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