I haven't read the whole thread yet, and I apologize
for the top post, but I couldn't see that the
discussion was heading for where I want to take it, so
I couldn't stop myself any longer.

Parts of Ant were conceptually inherited from make,
e.g. the common tendency for a buildfile to have an
incremental build as its default.  I think this is
commonly the way people work, especially in TDD:  as
Geir and others said, you make one or ten changes, run
'ant', and whatever has changed is rebuilt.  If you
know you've made a change that might not get picked up
properly (an example I think still applies is when you
change a constant value and you want to be sure it's
not inlined in any old classfiles), or you're ready
for a release perhaps, you run 'ant clean build' (as
opposed to 'ant clean; ant'--which also works at the
cost of an extra JVM startup).  All the makefiles I
have ever seen approach the issue similarly; the fact
that it is familiar to developers of whatever stripe
suggests that it is a convention worth persisting if
for that reason alone.


--- Mark Hindess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 15 June 2006 at 17:35, Geir Magnusson Jr
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I hope that no one really is bothered by that. 
> It's just so annoying :)
> > 
> > If you are, feel free to put it back  (or I will )
> and then lets discuss?
> Despite other comments on this thread,  I'm glad
> it's gone.  I hate it 
> too.
> I do think that we should have a "dist" (or
> something target that does 
> do "clean" and "build".  (And we should make sure
> this is consistent at
> the module level.)
> -Mark.
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