On 6/16/06, Gregory Shimansky <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

>This won't make anything good. The class_handle which is a pointer to
>heap object of type java.lang.Class is used very often, I am even
>that hello world even worked without java.lang.Class superinterfaces
>instances, but perhaps they aren't used much yet. If class_handle for
>struct is not initialized with an object instance pointer it will be null
>who knows when the object is needed. Reflection may surely trigger
>for it.

OK, thanks Gregory.

 Also, are we incrementally fixing all the 1.5 related issues as we find
>> them?

>This is not exactly 1.5 issue yet. It is 1.5 classlib compiled as 1.4issue :)

>Actually there is a question of whether we want the VM to still work with
>*only* classlib. Adding hardcoded loads for 1.5 only interfaces to the
>will make it unable to work with classlib which doesn't have these
classes. I
>am not sure if it is bad or not.

  Yes, that was my question also, about this incremental move to 1.5. The
way we are compiling the classlibs currently... with
source=1.5target=jsr14|1.4 flags is surely just a temporary step on
the way to fully
switching to 1.5? In which case, we may be better off updating DRLVM to
handle the full 1.5 compile instead of doing these hardloads.
  And we can just treat these hard changes as partial fixes to keep things
working, pending the full DRLVM update, and drop completely the need to keep
a version 1.4 compatible. Could someone advise if that is OK?


Gregory Shimansky, Intel Middleware Products Division

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