Archie Cobbs wrote:
Paulex Yang wrote:
I'm still curious what mechanism will be used to wakeup blocked threads

And when Thread.interrupt() executes the interruptAction and closes the channel, generally the blocking I/O operation will return with an error code, and if Harmony user implements a subclass of AbstractInterruptibleChannel, he is required by spec to implement implCloseChannel(which is invoked by close()) in similar way, in both cases, the thread is waken up as by product.

The blocking select is waken up in similar way by invoke wakeup() in interruptAction.

Thanks.. for the other cases.. e.g. a thread blocked in Object.wait(),
Thread.join(), or Thread.sleep(), I guess they will require an
"interrupt action" which invokes a native method (equivalent to
the current situation), right? I.e., these cases would be handled
entirely by the VM.
Actually I propose the default value of "interrupt action" is null, which means the VM will do what it suppose to do for the general cases(wait(), join(), etc) as before, so the interrupt() might looks like:

public void interrupt(){
   if(action != null){;
   //call native method to do what it supposed to do

And as the part of the proposal, the end() of AbstractSelector and AbstractInterruptibleChannel will reset the thread's interrupt action to null, which marks the blocking I/O/select operation ends.


__________________________________________________________________________ Archie Cobbs * CTO, Awarix *

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Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab

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