Several good, sensible comments on things to address in the JVM's fro better
integration. Specifically for DRLVM, I read them as ...

  1. Getting rid of ij.exe :-) and getting DRLVM to be launched by the
Harmony launcher as the IBM VME is done today. Volunteers welcome :-)
  2. Better build/deploy integration so that the drlvm deployment directory
has no classlib files in it ...and changing the top level build to be able
to create a jdk out of classlibs + drlvm. I think this is good to do, but
we can start a seperate thread for this..several existing threads have a
little scattered but useful information....and then do it.
 3. Removal of the some of the integration hacks eg., static libhyprt.a.
The "[classlibs] hythread implementation" thread is starting to discuss some
of these issues, hopefully that will identify what needs to happen.

  For the basic move to Java5 ( which eg., jchevm already supports ), I
would propose that we don't need to wait for the above items to complete,
but start making these code changes now since Evgueni posted a pretty clear
description of what needs to change. If someone is signing up to make any of
these( since this was somewhat the original intention of this thread),
please let this thread know. Would be happy to provide further clarification
as needed. It would be nice to finish this in a week. If there are any
concerns about this approach, please voice them :-)


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