Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
This is a great example.  The last two aren't even legal exceptions for
that method.

It seems like the RI is doing random crap, and it wouldn't be something
that someone would depend on... can you imagine?

Thanks a lot, Geir. There may be a great deal of these "great examples". ;-)

This makes our discussion about "Exception throwing compatibility" more complex.

Best regards,
try {
catch {StringInxOutOfBndsEx bar) {
    ... real problem...
catch (InputMismatchEx woogie) {
    ... erm, a 1?
catch (PatternSyntaxException blough) {
    .. a 0

This is something where I'd suggest we consider doing it per the spec,
and noting the difference...  I can't even imagine someone depending on
the IME or PSE to find 1 and 0 respectively...


Richard Liang wrote:
Hello All,

When I'm trying to implement Scanner.nextInt(int radix), I met a problem.

As we all know, Character.MIN_RADIX equals 2 and Character.MAX_RADIX
equals 36, so the parameter radix can not less than 2 or greater than
36, Otherwise that parameter is illegal.

But on RI, when the parameter radix is illegal, there are different
kinds of Exception thrown.

   * If the parameter is less than 0 or greater than 36, RI throws a
     StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. Obviously this exception depends
     an RI's implementation.
   * If the parameter equals 1, RI throws an InputMismatchException
     with an additional information "The radix 1 is less than the
   * If the parameter equals 0, RI throws a
     java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException whose constructor has three
     parameters. And the parameters depends on RI's implementation,
     that makes me can not follow RI.

And nothing is documented in the spec. Shall I follow RI's behavior?
Thanks a lot.

Here is the test case to demo this issue.

public void test_nextIntI(){
      Scanner s = new Scanner("123 456");

      try {
           fail("Should throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException");
       } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
           // Expected
       try {
           fail("Should throw PatternSyntaxException");
       } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
           // Expected
       try {
           fail("Should throw InputMismatchException");
       } catch (InputMismatchException e) {
           // Expected
       try {
           fail("Should throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException");
       } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
           // Expected

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Richard Liang
China Software Development Lab, IBM

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