Tim Ellison wrote:
May I tactfully suggest that we get this back to a discussion of the
pros and cons of JUnit test suites and/or TestNG metadata vs. directory

It sounds like we all want to resolve that problem asap.




George Harley wrote:
Mark Hindess wrote:
On 6 July 2006 at 18:05, George Harley
Mark Hindess wrote:
On 6 July 2006 at 12:55, George Harley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi Mark,

From what I can tell this JIRA hasn't really achieved much apart
from pushing code around the repository and breaking at least one
patch (HARMONY-755).
Well, obviously that wasn't my motivation! ;-)

Hi Mark,

No one was saying it was. BTW, good to hear you have some motivation :-)

>From the description, it was clear (to me anyway) that the patch
was to
enable the use of platform-specific test code.  While the directories
for the platform-specific test code are currently empty, I'm certain
Paulex plans to rectify this pretty soon.

Creating empty directories is not the issue here. The patch also
entailed moving a whole bunch of other files around the source tree
for reasons that are  currently being discussed in the dev list.

I think Paulex was correct to separate the process of allowing for
platform-specific tests (HARMONY-782) from any JIRA containing new
The "process" of allowing for new platform-specific tests is
precisely what is being currently discussed on the dev-list in the
referenced thread.
I thought it was categorisation of tests in general.

Hi Mark,

Since "platform-specific" is one important category of test then
discussion and agreement on the general topic is important.

The JIRA comment by Paulex mentioned that it would break two existing
JIRA issues - HARMONY-775 and HARMONY-767.  I applied the former but
latter was already assigned to Tim and marked 'In Progress' so I didn't
feel it was right to steal it.  However I have made the trivial change
to the patch metadata to fix the HARMONY-767 patch.

Unfortunately it didn't mention the HARMONY-775 patch, otherwise I
have checked with you first.
It was HARMONY-755. I know, now I'm just being picky :-)
Yes. :-)

It would be great if you or Paulex (and everyone in fact) could
comment in the "[classlib] Testing conventions - a proposal" thread
[1] about this.
Certainly - though this seems to me to be orthogonal to the purpose of
the HARMONY-782 patch.
The summary of HARMONY-782 is "Relayout NIO test cases to platform
dependent". That is orthogonal to the dev-list discussion on proposed
test layout ??? Are you serious ??????
Ok so maybe not orthogonal but the JIRA (regardless of the exact title)
was an enabler to allow additional platform-specific tests to be added.
And adding new tests is something that is independent of the need to
restructure.  Or are you saying we shouldn't create any more tests (or
fix existing tests) until the restructuring issue is decided?

If adding new platform-specific tests is "independent of the need to
restructure" then why did you restructure the NIO tests ?

No, I am not saying that we shouldn't create any more tests. No, I am
not saying that we should stop fixing existing ones. This is not a
restructuring issue. If anything, this is an anti-restructuring issue.
This is about pausing to consider a different approach to the existing
proposal for how we manage our tests. It deserves to be considered as it
has the potential to save us all a lot of time and effort pushing files

While I see the importance of the restructuring I'm also keen not to
prevent the problematic nio tests to be fixed.

Ditto. But what is the urgency here ?
Are you suggesting that applying the JIRA made the state of the tests
any worse than it was before?  (I even made an effort to ensure that the
change was made in a way that was more consistent with the current state
of another module - to make it easier to programmatically fix them later
when the test structure issue is resolved.)


IMHO this is not really about just HARMONY 782 and I would be genuinely
upset if the impression was that I was getting at you or Paulex because
it's not true. This is about asking you, Paulex and everyone to think
about what our tests structure is going to look like eventually, how
much effort is going to be required to maintain its labyrinth layout,
the amount of overhead that is going to mean for our infrastructure (Ant
scripts, IDE metadata files etc) and whether or not we can do better.

Best regards,

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