
> I also recently discovered what could be problem with jitrino.JET
> compiling OPCODE_LCMP.  Jitrino.JET is core dumping.  This problem
I'm looking into the issue.
Could you please share the class/method that causes assertion ?


Weldon Washburn wrote:

Implementations of the abstract classes from:
http://cs.anu.edu.au/~Steve.Blackburn/private/mmtk-20060714.jar :::
src/org/mmtk/vm/*.java  have been created.

They are svn commited at:

The ant build.xml has been modified to build the new "ext" directory
as well as a modified "test.java"

You should be able to download the mmtk-20060714.jar from above.  Then
overlay the newly committed svn files.  Then type "ant" to create the
MMTk and test class files.

To run the test class, first build jitrino.jet with the write barrier
mods, then type:

.......\drlvm\trunk\build\win_ia32_msvc_debug\deploy\jre\bin\ij.exe -Xb
ootclasspath/p:.;mmtk.jar -Xem jet: -Xjit jet::wb4j %1 test

You should see:

was called
needs fixing now
needs fixing now
top of test wjw------
test0 - ok
test1 - ok
test2 - ok
testWB - seems ok

The above "...was called" and "...needs fixing" are stubbed out MMTk
methods that are invoked when, "VM vm_init = new VM();" in test.java
is executed.  My next step is to work on the stubs so that NoGC will
run properly.

I also recently discovered what could be problem with jitrino.JET
compiling OPCODE_LCMP.  Jitrino.JET is core dumping.  This problem
occurs when attempting to compile a method that uses vmmagic
functions.  More details shortly.  Below is a stack trace of where the
JIT runs into problems:

    jitrino.dll!_assert(const char * expr=0x01068098, const char *
filename=0x01068060, unsigned int lineno=0x0000094d)  Line 295    C
    jitrino.dll!Jitrino::Jet::Compiler::gen_stack_to_args(bool pop=true,
unsigned int num=0x00000002, const Jitrino::Jet::jtype *
args=0x01068620)  Line 2381 + 0x4a    C++
op=OPCODE_LCMP, Jitrino::Jet::jtype jt=i64)  Line 2026    C++
Jitrino::Jet::JInst & jinst={...})  Line 152    C++
Jitrino::Jet::JInst & jinst={...})  Line 93    C++
    jitrino.dll!Jitrino::Jet::Compiler::bbs_gen_code(unsigned int
pc=0x0000000e, Jitrino::Jet::BBState * prev=0x05d8bbd4, unsigned int
jsr_lead=0xffffffff)  Line 601    C++
    jitrino.dll!Jitrino::Jet::Compiler::bbs_gen_code(unsigned int
pc=0x0000000d, Jitrino::Jet::BBState * prev=0x05d8bd74, unsigned int
jsr_lead=0xffffffff)  Line 661    C++
    jitrino.dll!Jitrino::Jet::Compiler::bbs_gen_code(unsigned int
pc=0x00000000, Jitrino::Jet::BBState * prev=0x00000000, unsigned int
jsr_lead=0xffffffff)  Line 651    C++
    jitrino.dll!Jitrino::Jet::Compiler::compile(void * ch=0x05d8eb4c,
Method * method=0x058fdf08)  Line 239    C++
    jitrino.dll!Jitrino::Jet::compile_with_params(void *
jit_handle=0x00b41518, void * ch=0x05d8eb4c, Method *
method=0x058fdf08, OpenMethodExecutionParams params={...})  Line 233 +
0x13    C++
    jitrino.dll!JIT_compile_method_with_params(void * jit=0x00b41518,
void * compilation=0x05d8eb4c, Method * method_handle=0x058fdf08,
OpenMethodExecutionParams compilation_params={...})  Line 255 +
0x15    C++

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