Alexey Varlamov wrote:
> On windows, I was able to launch Eclipse 3.1.1 sucessfully, edit and run
> HWA.
> Did just one correction :)
> Index: harmony-hdk-r424020\jdk\jre\bin\eclipse.bat
> @@ -4,1 +4,1
> - set
> BUILD_HOME=C:\dev\apache\harmony\enhanced\trunk\working_vm\build\win_ia32_msvc_release\deploy\jre

DOH!  LOL.  That was on my list to get rid of anyway - thanks for the
reminder :)

> + set BUILD_HOME=%~dp0\..\
> On Suse 9 box (gcc 3.3.3), though, it complained:
> ./java.exec: error while loading shared libraries:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Yah - same on ubuntu 5 and I'm sure lots of other things.  Given that it
appears many distros don't come with this, should we statically link?


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