Salikh Zakirov wrote:
> Sorry, the first version would lead to integer overflow and the to assertion
> failure. The updated patch should work. It runs Hello on Windows/ia32 with a 
> warning
> about reducing maximum heap size to the virtual address range it could 
> allocate.

This is done because GC needs to have contiguous address range for the heap,
and allocates virtual address range upfront.

> $ ./java Hello
> WARNING: final heap size is too large, reduced to 900 Mb
> Hello

The size is as low as 900 Mb on my laptop most probably due to some DLL sticking
in the middle of the process address space. I saw DRLVM working with 1300m heap
on some other machine.

What's more, there exists an unpleasant side effect of "infinite" -Xmx.
If you have a leaky native library (and we had!), then the amount
of memory available to the C heap is minimized, and the time range
before your program crashes becomes much shorter.

I saw Eclipse crashing after 1 hour with -Xmx1g, but working for more
than a day with -Xmx600m, which left 400m more megabytes to native heap.

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