
I would like to suggest to make svn revision stamping optional.
In my use case, I do not have .svn directory in most of my
workspaces, because I use other version control system for managing
local patches, so 'java -version' says on my local builds

  java version "1.5.0" 
  pre-alpha : not complete or compatible
  svn = rsvn: '.' is not a working copy, (Aug  7 2006), Windows/ia32/msvc 1310, 
debug build

and obviously is not helpful.

However, having version_svn_tag.h file modified after each
build is annoying -- it always shows up in diff, prevents me
from merging with latest revision from SVN etc.

The following patch solves the problem (also in HARMONY-1083)
--- >8 ---
Subject: [PATCH] Restricted svn revision stamping to svn workspaces

 build/make/build.xml                |    6 +++++-
 build/make/components/vm/vmcore.xml |   19 +++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git build/make/build.xml build/make/build.xml
index 6fd3ef6..bf6a011 100755
--- build/make/build.xml
+++ build/make/build.xml
@@ -318,7 +318,11 @@ Version: $Revision: $
         <ant antfile="setup.xml" target="setup" inheritall="true" />
-    <target name="svn-prop">
+    <target name="svn-detect">
+      <available file=".svn" type="dir" property="svn.available"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="svn-prop" depends="svn-detect" if="svn.available">
         <exec executable="svn">
             <arg value="--non-interactive" />
             <arg value="info" />
diff --git build/make/components/vm/vmcore.xml 
index 3fae6cd..577e77f 100755
--- build/make/components/vm/vmcore.xml
+++ build/make/components/vm/vmcore.xml
@@ -26,7 +26,17 @@ Version: $Revision: $
 <project name="vm.vmcore">
-    <target name="init" depends="common_vm">
+    <target name="stamp_version" depends="common_vm" if="svn.revision">
+        <copy file="${build.vm.home}/vmcore/include/version_svn_tag_orig.h"
+              tofile="${build.vm.home}/vmcore/include/version_svn_tag.h" 
+            <filterset>
+                <filter token="svn.revision" value="${svn.revision}"/>
+            </filterset>
+        </copy>
+    </target>
+    <target name="init" depends="common_vm, stamp_version">
         <property name="build.depends" value="extra.apr,
@@ -38,13 +48,6 @@ Version: $Revision: $
         <property name="outtype" value="shared" />
         <property name="src" location="${build.vm.home}" />
-        <copy file="${build.vm.home}/vmcore/include/version_svn_tag_orig.h"
-              tofile="${build.vm.home}/vmcore/include/version_svn_tag.h" 
-            <filterset>
-                <filter token="svn.revision" value="${svn.revision}"/>
-            </filterset>
-        </copy>
         <compiler id="c.compiler" extends="common.c.compiler">
                 <pathelement location="${build.vm.home}/include" />

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