On the 0x1CF day of Apache Harmony [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> "An obvious candidate for abstracting data addresses is to use the
> name or type of the object that generates the address. While this
> apporach works for static objects, heap addresses present an
> additional challenge. Heap space is reused as heap data is
> dynamically allocated and freed. Consequently, the same heap address
> can correspond to different program objects during execution....."
> It`s the way Chilimbi used in C or C++ programs. Maybe in jvm, we
> can get the name or type of the object that generate the address
> more easily??? I need your clue.

Hm, there can be a lot of objects with the same name. And many of them
freed at runtime which makes it not so easy to track objects by names..

I have an idea that seems simple but effective: wipe out trace
counters for addresses that are freed during GC. Yes, this needs a GC
support. Hopefully, it would make us a good sampling for objects in
older generations. Stack access can be filtered out without much pain.

Sorry for my interrupting :)

Egor Pasko, Intel Managed Runtime Division

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