Looks like a matter of relations, how the classlib and VM relates to each other.

Either VM and classlib independant, then we need something to be
common base for them - portlib. If VM links with classlib, then no
more need for portlib, just well understood interfaces provided by
classlib's HDK. If classlib links with VM, then it is the VM who
should provide this interfaces :)


On 9/19/06, Artem Aliev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The hythread is just most visible example.
There are also signal handling problem.
classlib hysig lib setup signal handlers and then drlvm overrides them
by its owns.
There are code duplication in classlib hyprt.dll drlvm port.lib:

These three pair of components contains significant part of the system
dependent code for both VM and CLASSLIB.
I think, all this code naturally defines portlib component that could
be shared between classlib and VMs.
So, as a first step, we could move all this code in to the one place,
name portlib
to have three directories classlib, drlvm, portlib.

As the second step, the pairs of libraries should be merged and the
classlib and drlvm refactoried to have only 3 lib instead of 6.

The 3rd step is to replace most of the functions with APR ones and
move the rest of the code to the APR.



On 9/19/06, Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> we need to put this issue to bed, as we're tripping over it, it seems.
> Any thoughts on how to move forward on this?
> geir

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