Paulex Yang wrote:
Hi, all

I'm not a security expert, so please correct me if I miss something. I found some different behavior of Harmony and RI on, the testcase[1] shows the difference.

Actually I tried to create the event sequence like below:
1. create LoginContext with some Subject
2. LoginContext.login() and return successfully
3. Modify Subject's content to make it invalid(one Principal's name here, maybe passwd/username/servername in more general case)
4. LoginContext.login() again

In RI, the second login() invocation really tried to invoke the relative LoginModule.login() and then failed to login with the modified Subject, but in Harmony, both invocations succeed. I consider RI's behavior is more reasonable.

After a rough look of LoginContext implementation, I found the cause may be the Ln. 275

   private void loginImpl() throws LoginException {
       if (loggedIn) {

Seems Harmony won't invoke the LoginModule.login() again only if the login ever succeeds. If I comment out these lines, the test below passes happily. Any ideas on this issue?
I've removed these lines at revision r451557 with regression test, please shout if anyone thinks the update harmful for some reason.

public class LoginContextTest extends TestCase {
   private static final String VALID_NAME = "name1";
   private static final String INVALID_NAME = "name2";

   public void testLogin() throws Exception{
       MyPrincipal pri = new MyPrincipal();
       HashSet set = new HashSet();
Subject sub = new Subject(false, set, new HashSet(), new HashSet());
       Configuration.setConfiguration(new MyConfig());
       LoginContext context = new LoginContext("moduleName", sub);
       context.login(); = INVALID_NAME;
           fail("Should throw LoginException");
       }catch(LoginException e){
   }      static class MyConfig extends Configuration{
AppConfigurationEntry[] entries = new AppConfigurationEntry[]{new AppConfigurationEntry(MyModule.class.getName(), LoginModuleControlFlag.REQUIRED, new HashMap())}; public AppConfigurationEntry[] getAppConfigurationEntry(String name) {
           return entries;
       public void refresh() {
   public static class MyModule implements LoginModule{
       Subject sub;
       public void MyModule(){
       public boolean abort() throws LoginException {
           return false;
       public boolean commit() throws LoginException {
           return true;
public void initialize(Subject arg0, CallbackHandler arg1, Map<String, ?> arg2, Map<String, ?> arg3) {
           sub = arg0;
       public boolean login() throws LoginException {
Principal[] pris = sub.getPrincipals().toArray(new Principal[0]);
           return VALID_NAME.equals(pris[0].getName());
       public boolean logout() throws LoginException {
           return false;
   public static class MyPrincipal implements Principal{
       public String name = VALID_NAME;
       public String getName() {
           return name;
       public String toString(){
           return name;

Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab

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