
HARMONY-816 has been closed.  Please open a new JIRA when you are ready.

On 9/29/06, Mikhail Fursov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 9/29/06, Weldon Washburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alex Astapchuk, Mikhail Fursov,
> With the patch blizzard of the last few weeks, Harmony-816 no longer
> works.
> The patches won't stick.  Can you put harmony-816 back together?  Or if
> make sense, we can close this JIRA and open another one.  In any case, I
> would like to make forward progress on MMTk port once again.  I realize
> Jitrino.OPT now has write barrier and vmmagic support.  I'd still like
> keep Jitrino.JET functional.  Its much easier to debug with JET.  Also,
> will get to Jitrino.OPT once I get MMTk moved over to the latest tree.

You are right, the magics support  code in H816 is not compatible with
updated JET version, but it will be fixed asap.
My plan is:
1) Today: commit magic implementation for Jitrino.OPT (Oh end-of-quoter
period! I could do it a week ago :) )
2) Monday: commit updated magic implementation for Jitrino.JET
3) Tuesday: commit WB implementation for Jitrino.JET
4) Next week: resume helper inlining thread due to the fact magics are

I going to create new JIRA issue with fresh updates. So H816 can be

Mikhail Fursov

Weldon Washburn
Intel Middleware Products Division

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