Mikhail Fursov wrote:
> On 10/7/06, Weldon Washburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> #3 might have originally been put in the JIT/GC interface because the JIT
>> developers liked it.  I can't think of a reason why a GC would prefer
>> this
>> interface over #2 above.
> If it could be  JIT developers decision we would like not to distinguish
> between bases and mptrs at all.:) I mean to keep only
> 'enumerate(base_or_mptr)' method
> I'm not sure the code JIT generates will be much better in this case, but
> JIT internals will become simpler.

Sorry, as I am already lost in #2, #3 and other denotations, my comment
may turn out to be irrelevant, but I think it is worth noting, that

JIT enumeration interface is actually passed through VM like JIT<->VM<->GC:

JIT calls VM funtion vm_enumerate_root_interior_pointer_with_base(slot,base,...)

183 void vm_enumerate_root_interior_pointer_with_base(void **slot_root, void 
**slot_base, Boolean is_pinned)
184 {
185     int offset = 
186     gc_add_root_set_entry_interior_pointer(slot_root, offset, is_pinned);
187 }

And VM in turn calls GC function 

IMHO, the best solution would be to use (slot,offset) everywhere,
and pre-compute and cache offsets before enumerating the base pointer.
Or even enumerate base pointer *after* all interior pointers that depend on it.

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