Hi Leo,

I have previously run the Derby tests on Harmony with the IBM VME (see the
Wiki page - http://wiki.apache.org/harmony/Apache_Derby).  I had to make
some changes to Derby to get it to run, but from reading the bug report it
sounds like you found a way round it too.  If not then let me know and I
could send you a patch or post one here or something.  I wasn't using DRLVM
so I haven't seen the bug you're describing.  Running with the IBM VME I got
82% of the tests passing.  I looked at some of the test failures but not in
very much depth.  However some of them seemed to be because the different
VMs had differently formatted output, so not necessarily a bug.  I think
that's one of the reasons why the tests need to know what VM they are
using.  The tests have different output files for different VMs that they
compare with the actual output for each test.

Just as a side point, several people have looked at applications in the past
including myself and have posted the results on the Wiki (
http://wiki.apache.org/harmony/Application_Status).  So if anyone is having
a problem running a particular application it might be worth having a look
to check if someone has done it before.  Or we could suggest that everyone
posts this kind of thing to the mailing list in future if that's more likely
to be found.



On 12/10/06, Leo Li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, all:
    I now plan to make the self-host of Derby on Harmony.
    Is there anyone interested in this topic?

    Here is what I encountered in the process. Hope it will be helpful to
anybody who is interested in it.

    At first, the testcases even fails on RI both on windows and ubuntu
the result are different.???
    After some struggiling, I have successfully passed the provided
testcases on RI after I rebuild the source on my machine.
    But there still remains a problem:
    The derby team kindly rewrite the launcher for testcases in order to
treat J9 vm differently if the property java.vm.name starts with "j9". But
the j9 vm used in Harmony has been customized thus is different from
traditional j9 vm that is expected by derby. This leads to failure to
    I will talk on Derby's mailing list to find a solution.

Leo Li
China Software Development Lab, IBM

Sian January

IBM Java Technology Centre, UK

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