IMHO the correct ECJ jar should be located at

You may also try to increase java heap size by setting ANT_OPTS
variable to something like "-Xmx512M".


2006/10/17, Weldon Washburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I did a fresh "svn checkout" an hour ago.  During build, I saw the message,
"...please place ECJ.JAR in ANT_HOME/lib" and did what it said.  Given a
JAVA_HOME=.../jdk1.5.0_07, there may be more to it than just copying a jar
file.  My guess is that adding ECJ.JAR to Sun javac is now causing the
following error message:

   [javac] ----------
   [javac] 1. ERROR in
   [javac]  (at line 0)
   [javac]     /*
   [javac]     ^
   [javac] Internal compiler error
   [javac] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

I looked for a README file that says something about which Eclipse compiler
to download and where to get it.  Or if it is already downloaded, where to
find it on my local drive.  A "find" of README files on classlib/trunk turns
up 2052 instances.  If its in a README, its well obscured!  Please tell me
where the instructions are for downloading the correct version of Eclipse
compiler.  It might be good to add where to find Eclipse compiler to the,
"...please place EJC.JAR...." message.

On 10/16/06, Nathan Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've set the default compiler value to use the ECJ adapter. I've also
> added a check to fail the build (in build-java.xml and
> build-tests.xml) if the ECJ adapter class is missing. The message says
> that the ECJ JAR is missing and to copy it from the depends folder.
> If there are any changes or suggestions for a more elegant Ant
> solution, just let me know and I'll add them.
> Note: The build seemingly takes a bit longer, as ECJ reports a
> significant amount of warnings by default. Personally, these are
> things I believe need to be cleaned up anyway (unused imports, missing
> serialVersionUIDs, etc). I haven't figured out to configure the ECJ
> options via the Ant task yet, so if anyone know, please let the list
> know.
> Mark, Tim, IBM folks,
> This may require an update to the automated builds if Ant isn't setup
> like this yet, sorry.
> -Nathan
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Oct 16, 2006 12:38 PM
> Subject: Re: [general] version of gcc and other tools
> To:
> None from me, but please also add some useful message for people if not
> found like "ECJ not found. Please copy <useful info> to <useful info>..."
> Nathan Beyer wrote:
> > On 10/15/06, Tim Ellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> >> > I suppose that as a temporary solution, we can just get people to
> drop
> >> > ECJ into ant/lib...
> >>
> >> Yes, that would be my preferred solution too, until Ant support comes
> >> along.
> >>
> >
> > Any objections to setting the harmony default compiler (in the build
> > scripts) to Eclipse then? The 'fetch-depends' already downloads the
> > necessary JAR, so copying it over should be a trivial task for now.

Alexei Zakharov,
Intel Enterprise Solutions Software Division, Russia

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