On 10/30/06, Mikhail Fursov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just my $0.02:
Actually VM_thread contains thread-local data. The VM_thread is a thread
local data by itself. HyThread keeps a pointer to it, so VM_thread is always
accessed from HyThread.
Some of the components, e.g. GCv4 and GCv5, keeps all thread local data in
VM_thread, but others JIT, GC_CC use more up to date method and request TLS
slots directly from TM.

Today we are in a transition from the old model when all TLS data was stored
in VM_thread to the new model - when every component requests TLS slots
independently from TM

Agree with Nikolay and Mikhail, VM_Thread was used for all the thread
specific data of a JVM thread. The transition is to make VM_Thread
only for the threading module, one of all the modules that share


On 10/30/06, Nikolay Kuznetsov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, this data is non threading and separate fields of VM_thread
> structure should be replaced with independent values (data structures)
> stored in TLS under separate keys.
> Nik.

Mikhail Fursov

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