2006/10/31, Ivan Popov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'd like this idea. But I think having two tools.jar libraries
(jdk/jre/lib/tools.jar and jdk/lib/tools.jar) may be quite confusing.
It's convenient for JDK to have jdk/lib/tools.jar and many programs
explicitly include it into CLASSPATH. I suggest renaming second
tools.jar (going to JRE) to jretools.jar or something ike this, so
we'll have


which should be less confusing.


On 10/30/06, Ilya Neverov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to gather opinions about structure of the "jdktools" component.
> I'm going to create scripts for moving tools' sources from classlib/
> to top-level directory jdktools/ and to prepare patches for build
> system for building tools from new place.
> I think the following structure will be appropriate for future
> evolution of the jdktools:
> jdktools/trunk/
>               build.xml
>               make/
>               doc/
>               modules/
>                       jre/         #  keytool, tool launcher go here
>                          build.xml #  classes go to jdk/jre/lib/tools.jar
>                          make/
>                          src/
>                       jdk/         #  javac, jarsigner go here
>                          build.xml #  classes go to jdk/lib/tools.jar
>                          make/
>                          src/
>                       jdwp/        #  separate module for large component
>                          build.xml
>                          make/
>                          src/
> Assumptions which look reasonable for jdktool's build subsystem:
> 1) it works in presence of built classlib (as HDK binaries or as a
> result of classlib phase of overall build);
> 2) the 'jre' module is always built before building 'jdk' to provide
> generic tool launcher and the jre/lib/tools.jar. Probably it will be
> easy to obtain these items from HDK.
> I'm rather newbie in the Harmony build system so your thoughts will be
> very helpful.
> Thank you
> -Ilya

Alexey A. Petrenko
Intel Middleware Products Division

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