Nathan Beyer wrote:
I don't know too much about ME profiles, but my opinion would be to
start by treating the target platform as a full Java SE port and then
look to add optional ME modules to the classlib. For example, port
DRLVM to Windows Mobile on Xscale or ARM.

Good lord man, bite your tongue! :)

I've worked a little bit with IBM's WebSphere Micro Environment and it
runs on the ME-type devices, like Windows Mobile, but it also runs on
Windows XP/2003. Obviously this is the opposite scenario, but the
concept is sharing the same VM with a subset class library

As for logging -- I agree with Tim, just don't do it. If we really
want logging, then just use AspectJ or the like. AspectJ can do
compile or runtime injection with the same aspects; at least it used
to a few years ago.

I think we've all agreed a long time ago that we're not going to have logging in production code. The point here is to find a harmless way of letting people do it if they want to for classlib development ...



On 10/31/06, Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mikhail Fursov wrote:
> On 10/31/06, *Geir Magnusson Jr.* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> I guess that if we could get 5.0 complete, we'd could *then* branch for
>     6, but I don't think we'd want to serialize like that.
> I understand the dilemma. If we agree to have 1 stable, 1 'future' and N
> suspended (old) branches as a rule we finally will tune our process and
> will have almost no overhead to propagate changes from one branch to
> another. The hell is when you do not have any stable schema and create
> long living branches without reasons.
> The success of preprocessor's idea is also heavily depends how will we
> use it.
> For example, what about "old versions"? Should we someday move the code
> into separate branch or collect N-years old versions in the same source?

Yes, I assume that we'd branch and park 5 at some point, putting it into
maintenance, and then just if there is a bug, deal with them on case by
case back into main tree.

But that's just version of SE mainline. There also is The Logging Topic
That Will Not Die, as well as capabilities and profiles for ME (if
someone wanted to do so), but I know almost zero about how that works in
real life.


> --
> Mikhail Fursov

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