Tim Ellison wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
Tim Ellison wrote:
Right, but you (Mr Harmony developer) don't modify the 'processed code',
you work in the 'code w/ preprocessor statements', so you probably want
the code you are modifying to be real, compilable Java code too.
Agreed, but I was thinking though about "Mrs Java developer"

Yep, she works with the post-processed source.  Then we have the 'Men
are from Mars, ...' conversation about "the bug on line 42" ;-)

However, assuming you want the code you modify to be basically Java, you
might as well make it real Java.  It then makes sense for it to be valid
as Big Java (SE), and existing editors can be used on it without the
preprocessor as a poor-man's Harmony IDE.
Agreed this is ideal.  So what are the options?

We spoke of them already: annotations, structured comments, look-aside
tables, etc.  Pick your poison.

You sound like we came to an actual conclusion with any of these. Anything concrete to suggest?


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