Alexey Varlamov wrote:
2006/11/2, Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Put them in as JIRAs

Done: HARMONY-2051, 2052, 2053.

Thanks - that just makes it easy for people to grab them and get going...

Alexey Varlamov wrote:
> Below is a list of isolated development tasks which do not require
> advanced knowledge of VM and could be a nice start for newbies to get
> acquainted with the code. All items are targeted for better code
> sharing.
> 1) Eliminate duplicate implementation of j.l.Runtime.Process in kernel
> classes of DRLVM [1]. The classlib provides neat portlib-based
> reference implementation [2], which should be reused. These 2 impls
> are roughly identical, so one needs to made more scrupulous comparison
> and squeeze some features/fixes of [1] which may be missing in [2],
> then employ [2] in j.l.Runtime of DRLVM and drop [1].
> 2) Improve/re-implement a parser of generic signatures in DRLVM kernel
> classes [3], and move this functionality to classlib (luni ?), so
> other VMs could reuse it for 1.5 support. The current impl is somewhat
> messy and half-baked, one need to invent more shaped and modular API
> to the parser. One more possible issue is parser's dependency on
> antlr, which may be considered overkill for this duty. I think antlr
> has its pros, like more illustrative code with clear correlation to
> formal grammar [4]; unfortunately this is not the case with the impl
> in question. OTOH minimizing number of dependencies for VM is always
> good.
> 3) Classlib's j.u.TimeZone expects "user.timezone" property value
> initialized during VM startup (BTW I did not find explicit statement
> in VMI docs for that, only indirect reference in kernel stub for
> j.l.System). I believe this action should be done by hyluni natives
> during JNI_OnLoad, no reason to burden VM with it. Therefore I suggest
> to move "port_user_timezone()" function [5] from DRLVM to classlib
> (luni/port), and fix DRLVM & hyluni accordingly.
> [1] working_vm\vm\vmcore\src\kernel_classes\javasrc\java\lang\
> + working_vm\vm\vmcore\src\kernel_classes\native\Runtime_[lnx|win].cpp
> [2]
> working_classlib\modules\luni\src\main\java\org\apache\harmony\luni\internal\process\*
> + working_classlib\modules\luni\src\main\native\luni\shared\process.c
> [3]
> working_vm\vm\vmcore\src\kernel_classes\javasrc\org\apache\harmony\lang\reflect\**
> [4]
> Para 4.4.4
> [5] working_vm\vm\port\src\misc\[win|linux]\timezone.c
> Comments? Should I put this somewhere on the Wiki?

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