Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

Alex Astapchuk wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
I've been having some problems getting some test cases to exhibit misbehavior for DRLVM, and it turns out that jitrino is built in release mode no matter what BUILD_CFG is set to.

Yes, this is a looooong-looooong story.
Was done as 'we-will-change-it-back-soon' thing, but remains till this moment. :-)

When I get it to build, I'll change it back today :)

Putting this inconsistency aside for a moment, how do I get jitrino to build in debug?

Here it is:

This are patches for jitrino.xml & build.bat, the same change (remove -Dvm.jitrino.cfg=release) need to be done for as well.

k (I made the change in, as I never work on windows...). I'll look at jitrino.xml (I can't see your URL... I'm in a car at the moment...)

If it helps, then here is the copy:

 <project name="vm.jitrino">
-    <target name="init">
+    <target name="init" depends="common_vm">
         <property name="build.depends"
value="extra.apr,vm.vmcore,vm.encoder" />
         <property name="outtype" value="shared" />
         <property name="libname" value="jitrino" />
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@
         <patternset id="java.classes.pattern" includes="empty_pattern"/>

         <!-- the compiler doesn't extend common compiler -->
-        <compiler name="${build.cxx}" id="cpp.compiler">
+        <compiler id="cpp.compiler" extends="common.cpp.compiler">


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