Geir Magnusson Jr. <geir <at>> writes:

> >> For 
> >> example, see the Hibernate clarification to the LGPL, or how MySQL just 
> >> basically told the FSF that the GPL *is* compatible with the Apache 
> >> License.
> > 
> > Judging from the FOSS exception license text[1], what MySQL did was to 
> > simply
> > add an exception to the GPL, that permits software under a set of open 
> > source
> > licenses to create derivative works. I believe that's what you meant, right?
> That wasn't my read - I read it that you can now combine software from 
> MySQL that is under the GPL with software under the Apache License (for 
> example), which is something that the FSF has explicitly prohibited.

Oh, I just wanted to explain that MySQL didn't literally go out and tell the FSF
that GPL and Apache License are compatible. It would be an odd claim to make for
a third party that's not a steward of the licenses involved, anyway.

I think we violently agree on the effects and motivations for the exception, and
are getting way off-topic. ;)

dalibor topic

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