Gregory Shimansky wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
 > Gregory Shimansky wrote:
One reason would be is that I don't know ant well enough to redesign the whole stuff all together. I used the existing setup and init targets which take care of including ancontrip and cctask jars.

If you ask me, I'd prefer make in the first place, ant is just too foreign to me. There is no reason to use caps, we didn't even start to discuss how we want to see drlvm build and "when WE ARE GOING TO GET RID OF IT at some point".

The caps were to get your attention. I thought you had a nice way to create a standalone testbed and then hook that in.

Well as I've written already, there is very much that is done in setup and init targets of drlvm build. It is checking for necessary jar files like junit, ant-contrib, cctask. Also these targets setup a lot of necessary properties. I just didn't want to duplicate all of that stuff.

The fact that these targets (setup and init) also do XML transform is almost not used in jvmti tests. Yes there are 2 <select> which are processed in XML transform, but I can remove them when necessary. I consider this dependency on current drlvm build minor. If we decide to get rid of XML processing, the changes in jvmti tests build shall be minimal. Does it sound ok to you?

Hey, the work is done :)

The fact is, you can still have a dependency in init and setup to get the goodness from there.

I hope to look at this on the plane home tonight.

The time invested, well... I learned a lot since the last time I used ant. Maybe one day I'll be able to write something as impressive and unmaintainable as the current drlvm built :)

Seriously, if we're going to change it, let's discuss it how we want it to look like and which tool we'll use. I vote for make (gnu version, that is gmake), even on win32 it exists in cygwin and mingw.

I think that we should simply use the same tooling that we're using now in classlib.

Ok let's decide that exactly we don't like in the current drlvm build. Probably I should start another thread.

We decided that last may, didn't we?


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